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Empowerment Denied: Low Wages Challenges for UNT Student Workers


Welcome to a comprehensive analysis of the situation faced by student employees at the University of North Texas. In this in-depth analysis, we will look at the major consequences that low pay has on the lives of UNT students who work as employees, particularly those who work for employee-owned firms.

Impact of Low Wages:

At UNT, student employees must deal with the hard reality of little pay—hourly rates being as low as $9.50 . Students are forced to work up to a maximum of 40 hours a week due to their poor incomes, leaving them with little time for academics.

Low pay puts a strain on finances, which increases the likelihood of academic failure, especially for overseas students who often graduate at a lesser rate than their counterparts.


Should UNT pay workers through benefits?

Student workers will still need a significant pay increase, but they can also benefit from different types of pay increases like in the form of benefits. UNT is not an employee owned or private institution, however it could benefit from introducing employee incentives to slow the high turnover rates and boost student retention numbers. 


Why Unionization Matters:

Advocating for Equity:

Unionization is a powerful tool that UNT student employees may use to advance fair compensation, improved working conditions, and increased job security. Student workers may set standards for safe and healthy workplaces, and negotiate salaries that fairly compensate them for their efforts by joining forces. 

Furthermore, unions provide student employees a sense of security and empowerment in their jobs by supplying legal counsel and assistance in conflicts with employers. 

All things considered, unionization offers UNT student employees a strong chance to stand up for their rights and bring about constructive change in their workplaces.

Building Solidarity:

By uniting around a common goal, student workers can foster a supportive atmosphere in the UNT community. 

The varied groups that UNT student employees represent weave a fascinating tapestry of viewpoints and experiences. All student workers, regardless of their experiences, are committed to promoting equitable treatment and in order to address the difficulties faced by student workers on campus, solidarity is crucial.


From Advocacy to Action:

  • Educate and Mobilize:

    • Students must educate themselves on the rights of workers and the advantages of unions.
    • Students can encourage support for unionization efforts among UNT student workers by organizing student-led activities and spreading information.
  • Join the Movement:

There are many ways for students to become engaged in the labor movement, whether it is through advocating like Raise the Wage UNT did in 2022, passing out pamphlets, putting up posters, talking about the issue online or in person, and applying pressure on the university, or even refusing to purchase from a business until they negotiate with their employees, donating to a strike fund, and ultimately unionizing your workplace. 



I’d like to include some of the key points for you to take away from this article:

  • Systemic Change is Imperative: The problems encountered by student workers are not limited to personal situations; rather, they are indicative of structural injustices that require all-encompassing remedies.
  • Amplifying Marginalized Voices: The student body's marginalized groups must be empowered to foster an accepting climate where everyone's opinions are respected and heard.
  • Advocacy for Fair Wages: For UNT student workers, unionization is essential in promoting equitable pay, better working conditions, and more job security.
  • Unity and Solidarity: We can create a culture in which every student worker feels appreciated, respected, and equipped to succeed if we band together in our quest of justice and empowerment.

This insight offers a chance for group effort and revolutionary transformation. We can create a better future for all UNT student workers by realizing the gravity of the problem and efficiently allocating resources.

Let's continue to uphold the principles of fairness and empowerment, making sure that every student worker gets the chance to prosper.